The Textile Conservation Centre

Dr Dinah Eastop

To contact Dr Dinah Eastop please click here.

Senior Lecturer, the Textile Conservation Centre (TCC), University of Southampton (1998-2009). Honorary Lecturer, Institute of Archaeology, UCL (2008 to date). Founding Director of the AHRC Research Centre for Textile Conservation and Textile Studies (2002-2004), an interdisciplinary research collaboration between three UK universities.

I co-authored Chemical Principles of Textile Conservation (with Dr Ágnes Timár-Balázsy, 1998 and reprinted five times since) and co-edited Upholstery Conservation: Principles and Practice (with Kathryn Gill, 2001). I am a contributor to ICCROM initiatives, notably CollAsia2010 and Sharing Conservation Decisions.

My research focuses on broadening the academic base of textile conservation to include the social as well as physical sciences. I initiated and lead the Deliberately Concealed Garments Project.

My PhD was a material culture analysis of conservation, called 'Stuff Happens: A material culture approach to textile conservation' (2009, School of Humanities, University of Southampton).

PhD supervision includes: Anne-Marie Deisser (2007) Investigating Partnership between local and institutional communities for the preventive conservation of cultural material, and Christina Margariti (2009) Exploring the application of instrumental analysis for the conservation of textiles excavated in Greece.


ICCROM Advisor and facilitator for the CollAsia2010 programme

Facilitator for the Sharing Conservation Decision-making, 2006 and 2008

Collections Unit, advisor

Anthropology of Cloth – BA and MA units

Research Project:

The Deliberately Concealed Garments Project

In-situ monitoring of tapestry degradation using strain-based engineering techniques (AHRC-funded, 2007-2009 inclusive), with The National Trust, the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England [English Heritage] and West Dean as sector partners, and the support of the University of Aston. Member of 4-person management committee.