Capital campaign 1997-1999
The donors listed below generously supported the Centre's relocation from Hampton Court Palace and the purpose-designed building in Winchester. Without their support the TCC would not have been able to enjoy ten years of success and achievement from 1999 to 2009, we are sincerely grateful to them all as well as to those who prefer to remain anonymous.
HRH The Princess Royal
- The Clothworkers' Foundation
- The Esmée Fairbairn Charitable Trust
- The Getty Grant Program (Getty Foundation)
- The Monument Trust
- The University of Southampton
- The Garfield Weston Foundation
- The late Sir Derek Higgs
- The Stockman Family Foundation
- The Swire Charitable Trust
- The Baring Foundation
- Lord Barnby's Foundation
- British Land plc
- The D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
- The Drapers' Company
- The Dyers' Company
- The John Ellerman Foundation
- The Fishmongers' Company
- Foundation for Sport & The Arts
- The Goldsmiths' Company
- Hampshire County Council
- The Headley Trust
- Lever Brothers Ltd
- John Lewis Partnership
- Peter Moores Foundation
- The Pilgrim Trust
- Prudential plc
- The Radcliffe Trust
- The Rayne Foundation
- The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851
- The Coral Samuel Charitable Trust
- Hugh and Catherine Stevenson
- 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust
- The Weavers' Company
- Miss D M Wilmshurst
- David Black Oriental Carpets
- Mr & Mrs John H Bryan
- The Bulldog Trust
- The RM Burton Charitable Trust
- CHK Charities Ltd
- Coats Viyella plc
- The Idlewild Trust
- Friends of the Textile Conservation Centre
- J A Gardiner
- Melanie Gee
- Global Asset Management (UK) Ltd
- Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust
- Grant Thornton International
- Halifax plc
- Hawthorne Charitable Trust
- L E Hill Memorial Trust
- Marsh Christian Trust
- Osborne and Little plc
- Jacob Rothschild GAM Trust
- The Scouloudi Foundation
- The Swan Trust
- The T L Trust
- Edmund de Unger
- Warburg Dillon Read
- The Barbara Whatmore Charitable Trust
- The Woolmens' Company Charitable Trust