The Textile Conservation Centre

Other Externally Funded Research

The interaction between practice, teaching and research is the cornerstone of the TCC’s success, and its research culture is rooted in the practice of textile conservation and collaboration with partners in the heritage sector. Research initiatives funded by the UK's research councils and others include:

In-situ monitoring of tapestry degradation using strain-based engineering techniques (AHRC award £386,000 plus a PhD studentship; P.I. Frances Lennard; 2007-2009) in collaboration with The National Trust, the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England [English Heritage] and West Dean as sector partners, and the support of the University of Aston.

Investigating the effect of silk weighting (AHRC £187,431; P.I. Paul Wyeth; 2007-2009) developing techniques to characterise the deterioration pathways of textile fibres, using micro and non-destructive techniques.

Smart and Techno Textiles (AHRB Innovations Award; £51,000; P.I. Mary M. Brooks; 2001-2002)

AHRC Research Centre for Textile Conservation and Textiles Studies, 2002-2007, a research partnership between the TCC at the University of Southampton and partners: the Universities of Bradford and Manchester (AHRB Research Centres award; £984,000; P.I. Dinah Eastop; 2002-2007).